This circular Apple Watch Series 7 concept is spectacular.

This circular Apple Watch Series 7 concept is spectacular.

The launch of the next Apple Watch promises to be a major upgrade. In addition to new sensors and truly innovative features for detecting health conditions, Apple\’s most renowned analysts have been raising the possibility of a definitive redesign, since its launch in 2015. And of course, there are already several Apple Watch Series 7 concepts that envision the end result.

A new Apple Watch Series 7 concept proposed from YouTube channel Zone of Tech imagines Apple\’s completely circular smartwatch. Certainly a bold departure from the square shape that has characterised all previous editions and more similar to other proposals on the market.

The Zone of Tech report is based on some reports shared by trusted Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo in which he has referred to a \”significant change in form factor design\”. While the less risky have imagined concepts with completely flat edges, in the best style of the iPhone 12, others have wanted to rescue old concepts that bet on a definitive change.

The creators of this concept believe that the reduction of the device\’s internal components, compared to the first models, would make it easier to try a circular model. They have also drawn on a number of patents filed by the company with circular-shaped screens.

In addition to the redesign, the Apple Watch has been in the news since the beginning of this year for the possibility of adding a new, non-invasive blood glucose monitoring feature. Unsurprisingly, this leak has also led to the creation of concepts that give a glimpse of how a blood glucose monitoring app would work on the Apple Watch Series 7.

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